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St Albans Climate Action Network

Sustainable St Albans is a member of The St Albans Climate Action Network – a network of organisations which actively support individuals, families and members of community organisations to adapt their lifestyles and adopt low-carbon technologies, driving down emissions and reducing biodiversity loss each and every day. We bring together all like-minded interest groups within the district to mobilise action towards a more sustainable future. We work to help deliver the community outreach elements of the St Albans City and District Council’s Climate Crisis Strategy and Action Plan

The St Albans Climate Action Network so far includes ourselves and:

Other groups are very welcome to join, if they support the vision above and are committed to taking meaningful action to move the district towards being net zero carbon by 2030, tackling biodiversity loss and building resilience and adaptation to the inevitable consequences of global warming.

Take Climate Action

The St Albans Climate Action Network has joined an international movement calling on people to take at least one of 16 highest impact carbon-cutting steps.

Visit St Albans Climate Action Network, and see how many people in the district are taking action, and what it all adds up to. When you register, remember to tick to select that you are part of the St Albans Climate Action Network team!

Climate Emergency Survey

In April 2021 we ran a residents survey gathering the views of local people on climate action, which we fed into the council’s Climate Advisory Group.

Over 600 local people responded. Our key findings were:

  • The vast majority of respondents (86%) were either worried or very worried about the twin crises for climate and nature.  
  • A third did not know St Albans District Council had declared a climate emergency and set a 2030 target. 
  • While respondents might not have been aware, 89% were supportive or very supportive of the council doing this.  
  • Respondents were asked about a range of actions the Council could take. The majority supported every action. 
  • The top five steps people want to take personally are driving electric cars, ‘greening’ their money, installing solar panels, installing heat pumps and speaking up more.
  • What local people need to take more climate action are access to expert advice, more money, and knowledge of local installers. 

Download the full report. Hear coverage on Radio Verulam